Midseas Infotech is a global web development and website designing company based in India , UAE. We are focused to intake any outsource opportunities in PHP Web development/PHP Development, ASP.net web development, Website designing, E-Commerce web development, Web application designing, Web portal design,Search engine optimization (SEO). We also provide Dedicated website designer and web developer,PHP developer, Asp.net Developer who work as an Offshore dedicated developer.

We currently serve our valuable clients in the USA ( Orlando , Florida, Washington , California ) UAE ( Dubai , Abu Dhabi , Sharjah, Ajman , Ras Al Khaimah and Fujariah ) Australia, France, UK, Finland for web based development and and outsourcing dedicated web development and support resources.

Web Designers - Midseas Infotech
Info Quest
USA : (+91) 769-8111811
UAE : +91 769-8111811
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Info Quest dedicated web developer gives you access to dedicated PHP Developer (s) / dedicated asp.net developer (s) who work exclusively on your projects from our facilities here in India. Basically, it helps in reducing the costs involved with your development operations by contracting highly specialized personnel located in a low-cost environment, such as India. Reduced development cost helps you to achieve a smaller price for your product / services.

Web Hosting

Midseas+ Web Hosting Plan.

Domains2 Nos.
Sub Domains2 Nos.
Disk Space2 GB.
Mail Account15 Smart Mail.
FTP Account7 Nos.
MS-Sql Databse3 Nos.
MySql Database3 Nos.
99.9% Network UptimeAvailable.
Midseas Infotech Free Services24 Months.

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Our Contact Details

USA : (407) 228-9550
UAE : +971 50 8566441

Skype : enquiry.infoquest
email : info@midseasinfotech.com
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Midseas Infotech is a global web development and website designing company based in India , UAE. We are focused to intake any outsource opportunities in PHP Web development/PHP Development, ASP.net web development, Website designing, E-Commerce web development, Web application designing, Web portal design,Search engine optimization (SEO). We also provide Dedicated website designer and web developer,PHP developer, Asp.net Developer who work as an Offshore dedicated developer.

We currently serve our valuable clients in the USA ( Orlando , Florida, Washington , California ) UAE ( Dubai , Abu Dhabi , Sharjah, Ajman , Ras Al Khaimah and Fujariah ) Australia, France, UK, Finland for web based development and and outsourcing dedicated web development and support resources.

Web Designers - Midseas Infotech